Luminous Darkness Meditation
Beyond the edge of knowing
There is another world
A world made of myth and dream and mystery
There is another layer of reality
Embedded in the hills
And moving beneath the waters
And ensconced among the roots of the trees
Shining amongst the stars and the darkness in-between them
There is another layer of reality behind the mind
And beyond comprehension
At this time in the year
the veil between the worlds is thinnest
the otherworld
Is close
A world which exists beyond all of the stories of separation
A world of pure dreaming consciousness
A world of animacy
We all are intermediaries
at the threshold in between
Life and death
Fall and winter
The waking and the dreaming
When the shadows gather
When the night begins
Prepare to meet whatever is revealed in the luminous darkness
Dont turn away from
What seem strange
Or unruly
Or inhuman
The dark messengers that arise
In the dreaming mind
Come from beyond the human world
They are emissaries of another way of knowing
The otherworld
Contains multitudes
Ancestors, allies and adversaries
They are emissaries of the life we dont realize we are living
This is the time to befriend shadows
Practice clear seeing. Clear knowing, clear being, clear becoming
The autumn
Is a hypnagogic experience
Like the time between
Waking and dreaming
Filled with kaleidoscopic colors
patterns of movement and fruiting bodies
It is the time when consciousness shift
And the otherworld offers its qualities generously
Whatever has been hidden beneath the surface
Is revealed.
There is is a blossoming up from within, a flush of instantiations of the shadows
Like a murmuration of birds moving into consciousness
Enter into the dreaming mind of autumn
Where every perception
Is a mask for a deeper, wilder energy which abides beneath its surface
There are many faces, many senses, many ways of knowing
Which have been hiding under the mirage of a seemingly
Ordinary experience
At the threshold of the otherworld
go simply
Go Without pretense
Without hiding
Dont subscribe to any particular identities
release them all
To follow thier own patterns and thier own destinies
You are not any of the things that you seem
You are the flow, you are the current
You are the dark waters
Emerging from the wellspring.
Dont hold onto anything tightly
Lay down the ambitions of the ordinary world
And the masks that you wear to protect from being seen
You do not need those in the otherworld
Let them incubate, let them receive the medicine
Of rest and sleep
Allow the losses
That you have experienced
To wash through you
the dark waters that
cleanse the heart
And clear cellular memories
This is a time to
Release something that you are holding onto
Or something that is holding onto you
Whatever it is
A love, a loss, an expectation,
a hungry ghost that is always restless
A grievance,
An ambition,
An old patterning
This is a season to say goodbye generously
Choose what you can let go of
Give it to the other world
Let the full moon illuminate the moment
Of your release
Let the luminous darkness shine upon the waters
That carry what was once yours
to a new resting place.
Let the flowers die
Let the frost come
Let the forest fade
In the slow surrendering of the light
Let the night have its day.
Don’t be afraid to give up the bright manifestations of life
Give up the leaves one by one
Let go of the colors and the radiance and the sun
There is just as much beauty
In the liminal spaces beneath the surface
There is just as much luminosity
In the dark places of the living earth
Where life originates
There is nothing out of place
Nothing to deny or to delay
Everything is happening according to the timeless patterns
Of sacred geometry
This is a kairotic moment, a natural turning point
This moment is ordained by the sun and the moon and the stars
This is the perfect time to bring attention inward
Into the incubation of the inner life.
Let attention settle down into
the living earth
Among the rhizomatic networks and deep taproots
As the autumn sets in
Let the pace of life
Slow and slow still more
Return to the other world
Where the mysteries arise naturally
From the quiet spaces
And timeless meditations
Already available in your being
You are made
Of time and place and season
Let the mind melt into what is happening
The cellular intelligence of autumn
within the depths of your being
The portal to the otherworld
Is not out there
It is here already
In the mind and body
At the threshold of the otherworld
Is an opening to new wisdom streams
There is a portal of many new possibilities
Enter the imaginal mind of autumn
Receive the gifts that are awaiting
When the veil between words is thinnest
We can shift our perceptions of reality.
This is the time to awaken a new story
From within the earth and the waters
From the influence of the stars
And the potential of human beings
There is a possibility of the evolution of the human family
This is the time to go within and invite a deeper dream
Dream a dream of the earth
The dream of aliveness that is greater than life and death
The dreams of ancestors and future generations
Who are dreaming through us
The otherworld is infinitely generous
With its capacity
To reinfuse this world with new consciousness
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