Crystallization of Consciousness



In this new year
there is an opportunity to
open the gateways to the origin of time
to participate in
the creation of creation

In this timeless moment
there is space for that all that is, was and will be
this is ​the time to awaken
the creative power of consciousness to shape and activate
a new​ reality

This is the time to practice the art of cocreation
release your old mind 
and begin before the beginning
​before there were any grievances
or expectations 
Start in the limbic place
Where choices are made
Before conscious awareness
Begin in the resting state
Before any forward movement happens

 Let the mind receive 
transmissions of natural light
That are already present
Let the moon illuminate
The motivations beneath your motivations
The thoughts beneath thoughts
the intentions beneath our intentions


change happens from within
It is a metamorphosis of the structural foundations
of consciousness
as awareness precipitates
Into a new image or thought or action
we can change the imprint from which reality is made
By changing the nature of the consciousness which participates 
in the process

In this new year
let change itself change us 
as we are dreamed through
We are thought through
We are moved through
By patterns as old as creation. 

Celebrate the supernal power of change. 
Give homage to the guardians of gates and doorways
The ones who attend the beginnings and endings of all things
Give homage to the divinities around the world
Who have two faces. 
Like Janus for whom January is named 
Double sided divinities
Looking simultaneously in both directions
With one eternal mind
Which perceives everything that happens
in the infinite patterns of consciousness

Looking across eons
there is time for everything to fulfill its potential
In the perspective of deep time
Every ending is a new beginning
Every doorway is a witness
in the process of coming and going
There is no passive participant
Everything that passes through a space also co-creates it
We are coming out of and going into the portals of time
Seeing through both sides of the cosmic mirror at once

Look across the continuum
​of time and timelessness​ and simultaneity 
Look across the space between
the unseen and the seen
Mishap and destiny
Confusion and clarity
we are all of this
embodied in one being
we are pure awareness 
we are the current which runs through all stories

 Embrace uncertainty principle
And  superposition and liminality
We are all of this at once
And none of it defines us. 


Look across time
Look back where you came from 
And ahead to where you are going

Look backward offer forgiveness 
Release all expectations of how you thought life should be
call back to you whatever you left behind 
Let your life return to you 
As flocks of migratory
birds return to their winter territories. 

Right here where you are in the present
whatever is ending or beginning, acknowledge it fully 
And accept the terrain that you are in 
No matter how challenging it seems
this is the time to 
bring in new habits of mind and make space for a swirling wind of new possibilities.
This is your time
reclaim your attention from the places that it is leaking
drop limiting beliefs, shed old skins and make space for bigger dreams 
Look forward 
bless the path ahead with gestures of kindness 
Release your control on what could be 
send gratitude in advance across generations
For the world as we imagine it to be  


Send gratitude in advance to what this year brings
Gratitude ​for the return of spring rains
​For the blessing of continuance for ourselves and our families
​F​or those who will be here long after we leave
May they feel the love we have woven 
Into the psychic terrain.

Send gratitude in advance to all the helping hands who support the evolutionary journey
Welcome all of the beings who are ​arriving to help us navigate​ the times we are in accept this opportunity to be here,
In the company of the ancestors and the future generations. 
give gratitude to those in the present who have the courage​ to walk ​beside us
and let the space be open between us  
​L​et us rededicate our agreements ​to compassion and clear seeing

we are the new stories embodied
We are the ones through whom the future is dreamed
Clear the pathways
Activate electricity in the body 
Summon your present moment purpose, 
your reason for being 

In this world of infinite possibility
be careful what you believe
Be careful what you reify
as thoughts turn into actions
And actions become actualities 
And plans become crystalized.
And ideas become opinions
Release the hold on what you think you see
Let old patterns dissolve back into
The whole mind of creation
as the previous structures dissolve
into fluid consciousness
trust they will arise again in the intelligence of the present moment
​as new forms and new realities


January is a time of purification
A time of clear seeing and discernment
In the crisp​, clean air of winter
Underlying structures
Have new salience.  
We can see through the open spaces
​with more acuity
the architecture of branches, the flights of birds and the constellations ​of the night sky
The rhythms of grass
shifting winds across the prairies
Everything bows and bends according to a greater pattern
as Wind moves across the plains
and crystalized thought moves across the surface of fluid consciousness

Everything is made of crystalline structures
And crystalized intelligence
Like trees and mountains
And stars and snowflakes

Patterns emerge
From the substance of the mind
as crystals form in solution
they precipitate into our lives
As a living matrix

The mind itself is fluid
But what is created from it crystallized 
Into a lattice of textures and forms and habits

Past and future activate and shape each other
In continuous repetitions
Until we shift the underlying conditions
Which create and uphold the patterns

Introducing a tiny seed crystal
changes the entire structure
of everything around it
creating a more coherent pattern
out of the chaos.

In this new year,
let one new image
one new thought 
rise to the surface of consciousness
and let that be the enchanted seed
which transforms everything it touches

In this new year
Let us reawaken
The original potential of all beings
Do not be subservient to any ​thought
​or any structure. 
b​ut be the innate creative power
Returning to the world
As a beacon. 
Iin a time of ossified opinion
Embrace undivided consciousness
And where hatred is present
Participate in the crystallization of peace. 


Here in this new year
lift up your thoughts and your intentions
As seed crystals upon which the future world is made
offer your intentions up for your life and for the world
Even if you don’t know what to wish for
Let it be a felt sense 
Or an image
Without words or names 

Make space for the prayer
​that you are holding
​to rise to the surface of consciousness
with or without concept
with or without ​words
lift ​i​t up into the clear air
release ​it into the open space
Let the possibilities incubate 
​in the living darkness in between all things 
let them be constellated by galaxies, 
And the fluid consciousness which moves beneath every story.

Spend time in deep rest 
for a whole season
like a hibernating being
who remembers the wisdom of wintering
Let rest and contemplation 
be a gesture of kindness y​ou give to the one you are becoming

Through the long nights of dreaming
Let thoughts be nebulous
Let plans unfold slowly

 Let the returning light illuminate 
your shifting patterns and emerging stories.
As future possibilities
gestate in the fertile darkness
trust in the process of crystallization
Let the full activation 
happen when the snow melts and the leaves emerge.
Until then, rest and dream of the fields of possibility
Knowing beneath the surface
You already contain 
the enchanted seeds of the evolutionary journey.

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